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printing open files of current process

I need to find the open files of the current process in C Linux. So far all I could figure out was current -> task_struct... then there aren't a log of resources...eventually I'm supposed to get to open_fds? Also, is the endpoint a bitmap file? How would you get the open files from the bitmap structure or some other weird structure?


  • on the command line lsof

    in C, something like this:

    Here is the commented code of a program that prints on screen a list of its own open files:

    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <dirent.h>
    int main() {
        // the directory we are going to open
        DIR           *d;
        // max length of strings
        int maxpathlength=256;
        // the buffer for the full path
        char path[maxpathlength];
        // /proc/PID/fs contains the list of the open file descriptors among the respective filenames
        sprintf(path,"/proc/%i/fd/",getpid() );
        printf("List of %s:\n",path);
        struct dirent *dir;
        d = opendir(path);
        if (d) {
            //loop for each file inside d
            while1 != NULL) {
                //let's check if it is a symbolic link
                if (dir->d_type == DT_LNK) {
                    const int maxlength = 256;
                    # string returned by readlink()
                    char hardfile[maxlength];
                    #string length returned by readlink()
                    int len;
                    # tempath will contain the current filename among the fullpath
                    char tempath[maxlength];
                    if2!=-1) {
                            printf("%s -> %s\n", dir->d_name,hardfile);
                    } else
                        printf("error when executing readlink() on %s\n",tempath);
        return 0;

    This code is from: , which is cached here:


    How to use lsof(List Opened Files) in a C/C++ application?

    you could also use the lsof command via a popen call.