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how to "spy " on win32pipe/console?

i have an application which call another console application and pass to it some parameters (console app is a video/audio coverter app) ... is there a way to programmatically "spy" or catch the passed paramters other than hooking/monitoring shellexecute/CreateThread etc ?


  • Yes, there is - as you write Process Explorer is able to do it, and you could employ the same technique. But AFAIK there's no Delphi translation of the winternl.h file from the Platform SDK, so it is even more tedious and difficult. Also this is extremely version-specific, and there are chances it will break with the next Windows version. It's also not quite clear whether this works for 64 bit processes (from a 32 bit process).

    If you really want to do it you will find the necessary information in this blog posting by Matt Pietrek, and in the CodeProject article "Read Environment Strings of Remote process".

    If you do not plan to use it for closed source commercial programs then a look into the (GPL licensed) annotated version of the winternl.h file from the ReactOS project would probably also help.