I have heard that old arcade side scrolling games used a specific programming hack to enable performant side scrolling.
I understand that years ago the machines weren't powerful enough to repaint the whole screen every frame as it's done nowadays. There are techniques, such as dirty rectangles, which allow to minimise the screen area needed to repaint when the background is stationary and only the sprites move.
The above approach only works when the background doesn't change (and hence most of the screen pixels remain stationary).
Vertical scrolling games, like old school shoot'em ups, have the thing a bit more difficult with the background changing every frame due to the scroll. However, one could take advantage of the way pixels are fed to the display (line-by-line). I imagine that one could use a bigger buffer and shift the data pointer some lines "down" every frame, so that it will be redrawn starting from another position, thus giving the impression of a smooth scroll. Still only sprites (and a bit of the background at the edge of the screen) would need to be redrawn, which is a serious optimisation.
However, for side scrolling games, the thing is not that simple and obvious. Still, I'm aware that somebody, somewhere in the past, has though of an optimisation which (with some limitations) allowed the old machines to scroll the background horizontally without redrawing it every frame.
IIRC it was used in many old games, mostly 80's beat'em ups, as well as in demoscene productions
Can you describe this technique and name its author?
I have written games for the good old C64 doing exactly this. And there are basically two things to be aware of:
These games were NOT using bitmapped graphics, but instead used "remapped" character fonts, which means that chunks of 8x8 pixels were actually hurdled around as just one byte.
The next thing to note is that there was hardware support for displacing the whole screen seven pixels. Note that this didn't in any way affect any graphics - it just made everything sent to the TV a little bit displaced.
So 2) made it possible to really smooth scroll 7 pixels away. Then you moved every character around - which for a full screen was exactly 1000 bytes, which the computer could cope with, while at the same time you moved the scrolling register back 7 pixels. 8 - 7 = 1 means that it looked like you scrolled yet another single pixel... and then it just continued that way. So 1) and 2) combined made the illusion of true smooth scrolling!
After that a third thing came into play: raster interrupts. This means that the CPU gets an interrupt when the TV/monitor was about to begin drawing a scan line at a specified location. That technique made it possible to create split screen so that you weren't required to scroll the entire screen as opposed to my first description.
And to be even more into details: even if you didn't want a split screen, the raster interrupt was very important anyway: because it was just as important then as it is today (but today the framework hides this from you) to update the screen at the right time. Modifying the "scroll register" when the TV/monitor was updating anywhere on the visible area would cause an effect called "tearing" - where you clearly notice the two parts of the screen are one pixel off sync with each other.
What more is there to say? Well, the technique with remapped character sets made it possible to do some animations very easily. For example conveyors and cog wheels and stuff could be animated by constantly changing the appearance of the "characters" representing them on screen. So a conveyor spanning the entire screen width could look as it was spinning everywhere by just changing a single byte in the character map.