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how to query strongly type datatable

I have a news portal.

For this portal I have a database with a "News" table and with the following columns (NewsID, CategoryID, NewsTitle, NewsText, DateAdded, ImagePath, TotalRead, NewsType, isActive)

I use dataset files (.xsd) and for this one, I have a query that returns the last 3 days' news into a custom class that I coded, named HHNews.

HHNews Class has a function that returns a strongly-typed datatable that includes the results of the query I mention above.

The home page has different sections for news.. these are; - Headlines (5 items) - Sub-headings (4 items) - Last 5 news items for each of the news categories...( categories are like; sports, local news, economics,

For the home page, I retrieve the datatable returned from the class. Now I want to query this datatable and build the sections I mention above.. e.g.

if my datatable is called "dt", then is there a way to sql-like query this dt such as "select TOP(5) NewsID, NewsTitle, NewsText from dt where NewsType = 0" -- 0 representing the headline ?


  • Absolutely. You can use LINQ as Dave Cluderay mentioned. To retrieve your headlines, for example, you could run:

    var myDataTable = dt.AsEnumerable();
    var headlines = myDataTable.Where(t => t.NewsID == 0).Take(5);