I'm using Google Image's thumbnails as thumbnails for my website. The URL of the images are something like this: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTf5yKQDRXOR3gy76ypWmEsT8-9BZUvLMWQIjH4tyyxLkHuhj3ZtJm19UhV
Is it possible to request multiple images with one request? I tried something like this: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTf5yKQDRXOR3gy76ypWmEsT8-9BZUvLMWQIjH4tyyxLkHuhj3ZtJm19UhV+ANd9GcR_2HdbSQ2lEldjoJXIwfRfQz4BhWBta0skbDqkO_mivicivPR7oQDkag, but it does not work.
In URLs, '+' is a substitute for a space.
You can't do what you're asking. Assuming you could ask for more than one image, how would they be returned? It's a continuous stream, so your browser won't know where one ends and the next begins.
One request == one file.