I defined my User model as searchable:
class User < ActiveRecord:Base
searchable do
Now, I'm wondering what's the best place to actually have the search call:
User.search do
keywords kw
# insert a toooon of with, facets etc...
I don't want to have this huge block in the controller. I'm using draper (implement the decorator pattern), but it's really coupled to a model, so I don't think it's the best place. Or is it?
Should I just create a Search class and do something like
@search = Search::UserSearch(params)
in the controller?
I'd encourage you to put this in Search::UserSearch class. It always a good idea to separate concerns and follow single responsibility principle.
You can put this class in
(don't forget to add search dir to autoload paths)
Nevertheless I'm doing this in one of my project and I'm happy with it.