I have written a timer application that passes a speechTime from an IBAction and counts down to 0. There are five distinct speechTimes, and a toggler button that will stop the speech time countdown. I would like to be able to disable the buttons that are not the IBAction pressed while the timer is counting down (to prevent resetting the speechTime).
I currently have several [speechButton setEnable:NO] and [... setEnable:YES] calls, and they all work the way I expect; but i suspect it's poor memory management and makes for really nasty looking code. I would like to implement something like an NSSet of all the buttons, and enable / disable them using only one method so that i end up with [buttons disable]/[buttons enable].
I played around with something like this:
@implement TimerViewController{
NSButton *buttonA, *buttonB, *buttonC;
@property (retain, readonly) NSSet *hijackableButtons;
@synthesize hijackableButtons;
//blah blah blah
hijackableButtons = [NSSet setWithObjects:*buttonA,*buttonB,*buttonC,nil];
for (id buttons in hijackableButtons){
if (buttons isKindOfClass:[NSButton class]){
[buttons setEnabled:NO];
But this doesn't work. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Have a look at IBOutletCollection
which is defined for this situation.
Have a look a this example.