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Executing new task based on sigchld() from previous task

I'm currently in the process of building a small shell within C++.

A user may enter a job at the prompt such as exe1 && exe2 &. Similar to the BASH shell, I will only execute exe2 if exe1 exits successfully. In addition, the entire job must be performed in the background (as specified by the trailing & operator).

Right now, I have a jobManager which handles execution of jobs and a job structure which contains the job's executable and their individual arguments / conditions. A job is started by calling fork() and then calling execvp() with the proper arguments. When a job ends, I have a signal handler for SIGCHLD, in which I perform wait() to determine which process has just ended. When exe1 ends, I observe its exit code and make a determination as to whether I should proceed to launch exe2.

My concern is how do I launch exe2. I am concerned that if I use my jobManager start function from the context of my SIGCHLD handler, I could end up with too many SIGCHLD handler functions hanging out on the stack (if there were 10 conditional executions, for instance). In addition, it just doesn't seem like a good idea to be starting the next execution from the signal handler, even if it is occurring indirectly. (I tried doing something similar 1.5 years ago when I was just learning about signal handling -- I seem to recall it failing on me).

All of the above needs to be able to occur in the background and I want to avoid having the jobManager sitting in a busy wait just waiting for exe1 to return. I would also prefer to not have a separate thread sitting around just waiting to start the execution of another process. However, instructing my jobManager to begin execution of the next process from the SIGCHLD handler seems like poor code.

Any feedback is appriciated.


  • I see two ways:
    1)Replace you sighandler with loop that call "sigwait" (see man 3 sigwait)
    then in loop

    2)before start create pipe, and in mainloop of your program use "select" on pipe handle to wait events. In signal handler write to pipe, and in mainloop handle situation.