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jQuery Datepicker Range with Cloned Form Elements

I have a dynamic form that can be cloned, but the Datepicker Custom Range function limits every clone's end date from the first start date element.

I am using the SheepIt! plugin to clone my form elements.

Working example:

*Note: add/delete functions not working in fiddle, but example of date range limits as previously described

Initial function for first date fields and clone function:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {

    var container = $('#container').sheepIt(
            separator: '',
            allowRemoveLast: true,
            allowRemoveCurrent: false,
            allowRemoveAll: false,
            allowAdd: true,
            allowAddN: false,
            maxFormsCount: 10,
            minFormsCount: 0,
            iniFormsCount: 1

    $(function() {
        $( ".date" ).datepicker({   
            showOn: "both",
            buttonImage: "../../media/icons/calendar.png",          
            changeMonth: true,
            changeYear: true,
            yearRange: '2011:2050',
            beforeShow: customRange 

    function customRange(input) {
        if ($(input).hasClass('end_date')) {
            var minDate = new Date($('.start_date').val());
            minDate.setDate(minDate.getDate() + 1)
            return {
                minDate: minDate

Function to re-initiate datepicker when clone button is pressed:

<script type="text/javascript">
$('#container_add').live('click', function() {  
        showOn: "both",
        buttonImage: "../../media/icons/calendar.png",          
        changeMonth: true,
        changeYear: true,
        yearRange: '2011:2050',
        beforeShow: customRange 

    function customRange(input) {
        if ($(input).hasClass('end_date')) {
            var minDate = new Date($('.start_date').val());
            minDate.setDate(minDate.getDate() + 1)
            return {
                minDate: minDate



  • A few things about your code:

    • $(function() {}) is the same as $(document).ready(function() {}).
    • customRange(input) only needs to be defined once. If defined multiple times, the latest defined one will override the previous ones (just like re-assigning a variable).
    • In customRange(input), you really want to get the corresponding .start_date, not just any .start_date. So, you should use $(input).prevAll('.start_date') instead of $('.start_date').
    • To keep the code DRY, you can reuse the datepicker options.

    Here is an example: