I'm trying to create a chart for my website. It will be a simple line chart showing my funds remaining (left/vertical) and the date (bottom/horizontal). It will be updated daily.
What is the simplest method for creating a line chart for a website?
Since it will be updated daily, I would like to find a simple way to add in a new number (funds remaining) each day and have it update without much work on my end. I don't have much time to learn other languages and technologies so I would like to have it up and running quickly.
Any suggestions?
Google's Chart API will allow you to get decent looking graphs created quickly with minimal effort. By feeding in different data each day you can have a new graph every day without having to make any changes to the code that handles generating the graph.
Google's Chart API uses javascript to generate the graph. If you're looking to generate the graph on the server side with PHP, and then have a look at the pChart library for PHP.