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Play media files located in assets folder

I currently have a set of media files in the raw folder of the android project that are loaded quickly and played when called using the mediaplayer class. I need to add more variations of these files and categorize them into folders, but apparently the raw folder does not support folders. Would I be able to quickly load these files from the assets folder and play them with mediaplayer? If so, how?


  • I've this method that returns the all files by extension in a folder inside asset folder:

    public static String[] getAllFilesInAssetByExtension(Context context, String path, String extension){
            try {
                String[] files = context.getAssets().list(path);
                    return files;
                List<String> filesWithExtension = new ArrayList<String>();
                for(String file : files){
                return filesWithExtension.toArray(new String[filesWithExtension.size()]);  
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            return null;

    if you call it using:

    getAllFilesInAssetByExtension(yourcontext, "", ".mp3");

    this will return all my mp3 files in the root of assets folder.

    if you call it using:

    getAllFilesInAssetByExtension(yourcontext, "somefolder", ".mp3");

    this will search in "somefolder" for mp3 files

    Now that you have list all files to open you will need this:

    AssetFileDescriptor descriptor = getAssets().openFd("myfile");

    To play the file just do:

    MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer();
    long start = descriptor.getStartOffset();
    long end = descriptor.getLength();
    player.setDataSource(this.descriptor.getFileDescriptor(), start, end);
    player.setVolume(1.0f, 1.0f);

    Hope this helps