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screen scraping with curl

so far my cURL code i have written displays the page that I would like after it automatically logs me into a website, however i am stuck on the issue of screen scraping. I would like to now sort through some more information from this data. here is what i want to sort out of the page:

<div class="quantity">
    Avail. Quantity:<span>75</span>

I specifically would like to grab the number inside the <span> which in this case would be 75. how could i do this with curl?

Any suggestions on how to do this?


  • You can use DOMDocument or one of the simpler library frontends like phpQuery or QueryPath. Then it's as easy as using a CSS selector:

    print htmlqp($url)->find(".quantity span")->text();

    (Note that page retrieval is already built-in here, but you could also just pass your $html variable.)