I was following the guide from here John Anderson Vim Setup to help setup vim. he steps through adding the various submodules to git in the format
git submodule add http://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git bundle/fugitive
since completing his guide I have made further changes. Getting ahead of myself I am on ubuntu my path is ~/.vim and I used the exact {autoload,bundle} setup as described in the guide.
I want to include the changes I added in my ~/.vimrc and the ohther bundles I have installed into my github so I can clone it and go on any other PC.
Really struggling to figure out how to get the changes in git. For example in my ~/.vim/bundle/ directory it has two new folders delimitMate and colorschemes. However when I do git push it returns everything as up to date.
What am I missing?
Those are submodules, I figure. What you need to do, is:
# To add new modules
git add .gitmodules
git commit -m "Add new bundles"
# To add changes in vimrc
git add vimrc
git commit -m "Update my vimrc"
# To upload to Github
git push origin
On another PC, after cloning/pulling the Github repo, you need to:
git submodule init
git submodule update
To pull new changes to submodules you can later:
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
# NOTE: no trailing slash!
git add bundles/fugitive
git add bundles/etc
git commit -m "Update bundles"
git push
You can reduce the many add
s by the following command:
git ls-files -m bundles | xargs git add