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PHP mcrypt to ColdFusion decrypt

I am working in a PHP app we have a particular string that we need to encrypt before storing in a database. I can do this in PHP with not problem using mcrypt with a key and a iv. Currently I'm trying to use blowfish because I thought it would be the most flexible as far as decrypting it in ColdFusion. The issue I ran into is it seems ColdFusion doesn't want to use the key or iv I encrypted with. ColdFusion wants you to generateSecretKey() and use some other way to create the iv.

What I can't seem to do is get the two to communicate. I tried first encrypting in coldFusion and using the key it generated and iv it used in PHP but the result was not what it should be. I know I must be missing something but I can't quite pinpoint what it might be.

$securedString = mcrypt_encrypt ('MCRYPT_BLOWFISH' , 'THISISMYKEYTHATISVERYLONG32CHARS' , "This is the string I need encrypted' , MCRYPT_MODE_CBC , '12345678');
echo base64_encode($securedString);

So what would an equivalent ColdFusion Decryption call look like?

BTW: if Blowfish is not the ideal algorithm to use please feel free to suggest another as long as both ColdFusion and PHP can use it and it is secure.

Thanks, Bruce


  • Something like this should work. You just need to share a common key between each.

    In PHP:

    base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_3DES, $key, $plain_string, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB));

    In Coldfusion:

         decrypted_string = decrypt(enc_string, key, "DESEDE", "Base64");