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Using Apple autorelease pools without Objective-C

I am developing an application that needs to work on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. To that purpose, I am using C++ with Qt.

For many reasons, on Mac OS X, I need to use CoreFoundation functions (such as CFBundleCopyBundleURL) that creates core objects that need to be released with CFRelease. But doing so generate a lots of these warnings:

*** __NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x224f7e0 of class NSURL autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking

All the code I've seen concerning these autorelease pools is written in Objective-C. Does anybody know how to create/use autorelease pools in C or C++?


  • id is a C declaration. You can simply add scope based autorelease pools to your cpp program like so:


    class t_autorelease_pool {
        id d_pool; // << you may opt to preprocess this out on other platforms.
        t_autorelease_pool(const t_autorelease_pool&);
        t_autorelease_pool& operator=(const t_autorelease_pool&);

    t_autorelease_pool::t_autorelease_pool() : d_pool([NSAutoreleasePool new]) {}
    t_autorelease_pool::~t_autorelease_pool() { [this->d_pool drain]; }

    In a cpp program:

    void UpdateUI() {
        t_autorelease_pool pool;
        // your/their autoreleasing code here

    An alternative (which can be very easy to use incorrectly) is to use the ObjC runtime directly - which would look like the following C program:

    #include <objc/runtime.h>
    #include <objc/message.h>
    id pool = objc_msgSend(objc_getClass("NSAutoreleasePool"), sel_getUid("new")); 
    /* do stuff */
    objc_msgSend(pool, sel_getUid("drain"));