I have been trying to solve a programming problem, one of the modules of which requires me to generate Hamming sequences. The function takes input two numbers first a binary number N and another a decimal number K. It should now generate all possible numbers having a Hamming distance of up to K from N.
It would be really helpful if you provide me with an algorithm about how to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance.
The algorithm is pretty simple. You just need to chose all possible binary numbers contains from 0 to K ones. And then xor it with N, just like this:
public static Char[] Xor(Char[] a, Char[] b)
Char[] c = new Char[a.Length];
for (Int32 i = 0; i < a.Length; ++i)
if (a[i] == b[i])
c[i] = '0';
c[i] = '1';
return c;
public static void Generate(Char[] original, Char[] current, int position, int k)
if (position == original.Length)
Console.WriteLine(Xor(original, current));
if (k > 0)
current[position] = '1';
Generate(original, current, position + 1, k - 1);
current[position] = '0';
Generate(original, current, position + 1, k);
// Find all Number with hamming distance up to 2 from 01100
Generate("01100".ToCharArray(), "00000".ToCharArray(), 0, 2);
Note: count of numbers that have Hamming distance up to K from N can be extremely big, as soon it exponentially grows depend on value of K.