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How to instantiate inner classes in one step in Scala?

Consider this code:

class Outer {
  class Inner

In Java it would be possible to create an instance of Inner with:

Outer.Inner inner = new Outer().new Inner();

I know I can write this in Scala:

val outer = new Outer
val inner = new outer.Inner

But I wonder if it is possible to express the same without the assignment to outer.


new Inner  


new (new Outer).Inner

are not accepted by the compiler.

Is there something I'm missing?


  • First of all, I doubt that the instantiation in one go is any meaningful -- you are like throwing away the Outer instance, keeping no reference to it. Makes me wonder, if you weren't thinking of a Java static inner class, like

    public class Outer() {
       public static class Inner() {}

    which in Scala would translate to Inner being an inner class of Outer's companion object:

    object Outer {
        class Inner
    new Outer.Inner

    If you really want an inner dependent class, and you just want more convenient syntax for instantiating it, you could add a companion object for it:

    class Outer {
       object Inner {
          def apply() = new Inner()
       class Inner
    new Outer().Inner()