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Printfn value is not a function and cannot be applied in F#'s interactive window

This is probably something simple, but I have a .fs file with a simple sample function.

let printHello = printfn "%A" "Hello"

I have set the search path to the .fs file using

>#I "PathToMyFSFile"

I have loaded my file using

>#load "Test.fs"

Which worked fine. Now I want to call the function which actually prints the hello to screen, but thats turning out to be too difficult

> Test.printHello;;
val it : unit = ()

Tried Test.printHello();; as well but doesn't work. How do I actually make it print "Hello" to screen?


  • your current printHello isn't actually a function. To make it a function you need to do

    let printHello() = printfn "%A" "Hello"

    noice the (). Then everything should work.


    When the compiler sees your definition

    let printHello = printfn "%A" "Hello"

    it passes it as a simple data term. For example, consider this program:

    let printHello = printfn "%A" "Hello"
    printfn "World"

    This will print "Hello" then "World". printHello just has unit type, so does nothing. Compare it to

    let printHello() = printfn "%A" "Hello"
    printfn "World"

    Here printHello is a function. In this case, the function is only executed when it is explicitly called, so this prints "World" then "Hello".