I am developing a hibernate console application and refer to this article http://www.mkyong.com/hibernate/how-to-display-hibernate-sql-parameter-values-solution/ to setup the P6Spy in order to see what is the actual value of the "(?)" of the SQL generated by the Hibernate.
The setup should work fine as I can see info/debug messages output by P6Spy during the application starts up. However ,after that, P6Spy seems that it cannot intercept any JDBC statements. From the log generated by hibernate (eg: Hibernate: insert into Module (projectName, moduleName, projectId) values (?, ?, ?)
), it can be sure that the JDBC statements are already sent to the database.
The following is my setting:
module.log=com.p6spy.engine.logging.P6LogFactory realdriver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver filter=false dateformat=yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss excludecategories= includecategories=error, info, batch, debug,statement,commit,rollback,result appender=com.p6spy.engine.logging.appender.StdoutLogger
Do I miss any important setting ??
Finally , I give up P6Spy
as it is the old library which the latest version is back to 2003. I resort to use another similar free open source called log4jdbc
to intercept the JDBC statements , see this for more info if you are interested.