Can someone please give me good overview of the Prism EventAggregator in comparison to the MVVM Light Messenger service? Specifically;
This is something that I have not seen addressed much, and I find myself still using both in the same project, when my gut feel says I should use one or the other.
EventAggregator and Messenger are similar. They both are used to decouple the communication between different components which are used in a composite application. in most cases they both offer similar features.
Messenger has the option of brodcasting to all the subscribers or to targetted subscribers using a key. I am not sure if such a feature exists in EventAggregator.
In terms of Pros and Cons, MVVMLight is very lightweight. Prism comes with other related dll's. If your don't want to use all the features of Prism you can just make use of EventAggregator.
Althought I haven't used any of these frameworks with MEF or Unity, but since they are lke utilities / helpers / addins or whatever you call they should be able to work.