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Can WordPress WP_Query return custom field post meta?

For some reason, I cannot get WP_Query to return the custom field values of posts. I can get the post thumbnails using get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, array(50,50)), but I cannot get the custom field data using get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, true).

A stripped-down version of what I'm trying to do:

    $keys = array('Show Date','Birth Year','Origin');

    echo '<table>';
    echo '<tr><th>Title</th>';
    foreach( $keys as $key ) {
        echo '<th>' . $key . '<th>';
    echo '</tr>';

    $myquery = new WP_Query( 'post_type=post' );
    if( $myquery->have_posts() ) : while( $myquery->have_posts() ) : $myquery->the_post();

        $title = get_the_title();
        echo '<tr><td>' . $title . '</td>';

        $values = array();
        foreach( $keys as $key ) {
            $values[] = get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, true);
        foreach( $values as $value ) {
            echo '<td>';
            echo $value;
            echo '</td>';
        echo '</tr>';

    endwhile; endif;

    echo '</table>';

Also available here:

Even with all non-essential code removed, I cannot make this work. I know you can use parameters like meta_key and meta_value in a query to narrow down the results, but I just want to display all values for the keys I specify, if they exist, for each post.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...


Just needed to add global $post; after the start of the loop. Thanks to @Kimikaze on the WP support forum for providing the solution!


  • When I can't find the data I need in wordpress, I always find it helpful to print the Global $post object to screen, so I can see if my data is making it to the page.

    Global $post;
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";

    All the helper methods or "hooks" are usually just interacting with this (or another) global object. Check the output of this on $post (and maybe your $values array) for data you're looking for and if it's there, you can just reffer to it directly, like the post title for example


    Another thought, The third parameter of get_post_meta() makes it return a single string when set to true, what do you get when it's set to false?