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How do you create a computer or scripting language for an application?

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and others I'm too lazy to find right now.

I'm not asking how to make an incredibly complex language. I just wanted to understand the basics. I would use c# as the underlying language. I know it's vague. I was hoping for something very basic to direct me.

I think I'm mostly interested in creating scripting languages. For example, I see people that write programs but then they have a scripting language for their application. I do not want to rewrite a windows scripting language. Say I had a text file reader and for some reason wanted a scripting language to automate something. I'm not sure how to ask.

Thank you.

EDIT - Thank you for the answers. I was looking at it more for the learning not the doing at the moment. I would probably use LUA, but I am trying to learn more about the concept in general.


  • You could take a look at LUA - I've used it to great success each time I asked myself the question "How would I automate insert task here in insert one of my apps here?"

    Edit: Here are some examples (taken from the links page, admittedly, unwieldy Lua Wiki) on how you could embed Lua in your app: