I made a Validator that receives a class instance and a function name and then executes it.
This is usefull for execute many custom validations through database table mappers.
The problem is that I can't add this validator more than one time to a Element and I need to do it...
I've a login form that have a username and password elements. For username, I need to verify via this Validator if it already exists in the Database and, if it exists, I need to verify if the selected account is activated...
I know that I could make just one function to receive the result for both but, my Validator should only return one error message...
Here's the constructor of the Validator:
*$class is a class instance
*$function is the function name to execute in the class
*$invalidReturns specifies when the validator should return the error message (default is when the function returns null, false or empty string)
*$tokens are used as parameters of the function to execute
public function __construct($class, $function, $invalidReturns=null, $tokens=null)
$this->class = $class;
$this->function = $function;
$this->tokens = $tokens;
$this->returns = $invalidReturns;
How can I solve this problem? Is there a way to create a Class in PHP with dynamic name? Is there a way to add a same class Validator to an element in Zend or should I change my Valitor to return more then one message and pass them in the constructor?
The solution provided by Kees Schepers in the comments should work but, as I did my own "Zend_Validate_Callback", I could change the way it works to allow the definition of more than one message.
Now it's working well =)
Anyway, thanks Kees Schepers. Next time, I will use Zend_Validate_Callback instead of doing a lot of more work x).