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Equivalent BAPI for a MB01 transaction?

I'm trying to replace some un-reliable sap scripting we have in place to do an MB01 from a custom goods receipt application. I have come across the .NET connector and it looks like it could do a job for me.

Research has churned up the BAPI called BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE but can anyone tell me what parameters might be required to perform this transaction?

I have access to a SAP test environment.

BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE accepts a table of values called GOODSMVT_ITEM which contains 121 fields. I'm sure that not all of these fields are required.

Ultimately I guess my question is, what how can I work out which ones are required?


  • Do you have access to a SAP system? I have recently used this BAPI, and it has quite detailed documentation. To view the documentation, use transaction SE37, and enter the BAPI name. Unfortunately I don't currently have access to a system.

    You will have to ask one of your MM/Logistics people to tell you what the movement type (BWART) is, and depending on the config you will need details like material number (MATNR), plant (WERKS), storage location etc.