I have a question concerning holding common code in a base class and having the derived class call it, even though the derived class's trigger method has been dispatched from the base. So, base->derived->base type call stack.
Is the following look OK, or does it smell? I have numbered the flow steps...
public abstract class LayerSuperType
public void DoSomething() // 1) Initial call from client
ImplementThis(); // 2) Polymorphic dispatch
protected abstract void ImplementThis();
protected void SomeCommonMethodToSaveOnDuplication(string key) // 4)
Configuration config = GetConfiguration(key);
public class DerivedOne : LayerSuperType
protected virtual void ImplementThis() // 2)
SomeCommonMethodToSaveOnDuplication("whatever"); // 3) Call method in base
public class DerivedTwo : LayerSuperType
protected virtual void ImplementThis() // 2)
SomeCommonMethodToSaveOnDuplication("something else"); // 3) Call method in base
Looks like a very simplified Template Method Pattern where your sub-classes do some specific kinds of things at the right points in the implementation of your algorithm, but the overall flow is directed by a method on the base class. You've also provided some services to your sub-classes in the form of base class methods; that's ok too as long as you're good as far as SOLID goes.