I added admob to my android app, the banners are sometimes shown sometimes are not but that is okey. The thing that is weird for me is that when I logging to admob.com page and I check my account I see that the field for requests is increasing and in the moment is 30, the eCPM is 0$ and the RPM is 0$, also the fill rate field is something like 5%.
Requests 30
eCPM 0$
Fill Rate 5%
RPM 0$
I have many questions, but my main question is why I do not get any money ?
I guess I didn't done something in my code so I do not earn money... I do not know what I am missing. I take the publisher ID from the admob, and I putted in the code to the right place, and obviously it works cause the requests are increasing. But why I do not get any money ? Did I need to do something else ? some other permission or something ?
I really do not have experience with admob, maybe this is not the place to ask questions but still I asked cause I think the problem is in my code , I think that I am missing something.
NOTE: my app is not published in the market, is that the problem ? Is it requirement app to be published to the marked so the admob can works ?
AdMob works even if it's not published on the Market. Probably you're getting no money because nobody clicked on your banner; check in the report page on AdMob's site how many clicks you received. And keep in mind that most of the times a click is counted only if the advertiser page is fully loaded and that AdSense banners (if you've activated them) have a 48 hours delay.