Help!! I am at the final stages of a project and I am lost with a simple array issue. can someone give me a hand with this bit please?
This sub fills a listview - (lvgps)
, from a database called locmessage
- (location message).
From that DB it takes the Location (the physical place), the Latitude (lat) and the Longitude (Lon) and ID.
The lat and lon get initialised into a new Location called gpsStoredSavedLoc
(that name is embarrassing - sigh)
The distance to that location is calculate with dist = Currentloc.DistanceTo(gpsStoredSavedLoc)
and when close to 0 a message appears.
This all works all OK, except this is a terrible way to make it run off the Sub GPS_LocationChanged
as it would consume far too many resources.
What I need to do is load Lat and Lon into a small array holding just the Currentloc.DistanceTo(gpsStoredSavedLoc)
for each entry (about 15 max probably) it would then run until that distance (dist) = 0 or < 5
(or whatever).
I don't need the ID or the Location of the lat and lon in the array, as it can trigger a mod of the sub below when it reaches the target dist and return the message.
It would be a tiny thing, but for the life of me I can't work it out.
Thanks :-)
Sub gpsdbload
Dim place As String
Cursor1 = SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM locmessage")
For i = 0 To Cursor1.RowCount - 1
Cursor1.Position = i
place =cursor1.GetString("Location")
gpsSavedlocation.Latitude = Cursor1.GetDouble("Lat")
gpsSavedlocation.Longitude = Cursor1.GetDouble("Long")
'the motor it recalculates the distance
Dim dist As Double
dist = Currentloc.DistanceTo(gpsStoredSavedLoc)
If dist < 1000 Then
dist = Round2(dist,2)
dist = Round2(dist/1000,2)
End If
lvgps.AddSingleLine2(place&" " & dist,cursor1.GetLong("ID"))
If dist < 5 Then
If Msg1 = "" Then
Dim msg1 As String
msg1 = Cursor1.Getstring("Msg1")
Msgbox(msg1, "Message from " & place)
End If
End If
End Sub
I have tried this ....
Dim gpsdata(15) As Int
- in sub globals
Putting into the above sub
`gpsdata = gpsStoredSavedLoc`
then running
Sub GPSarray
For i = 0 To gpsdata.Length - 1
Dim gpsdataloop As Double
gpsdataloop = Currentloc.DistanceTo(gpsdata)
If gpsdataloop < 5 Then
Msgbox("Message from test","")
End If
End Sub
it gives me the error of
Compiling code. 0.05
Generating R file. 0.00
Compiling generated Java code. Error
B4A line: 520
gpsdataloop = Currentloc.DistanceTo(gpsdata)
javac 1.6.0_26
src\Stuff\U\Canuse\ inconvertible types
found : int[]
required: android.location.Location
_gpsdataloop = _currentloc.DistanceTo((android.location.Location)(_gpsdata));
You are getting this error because Currentloc.DistanceTo expects a Location object, not an array of integers.