What is the fastest way to implement a creation of xml file in this format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Unicode" standalone="yes"?>
<A V1="string" V2=String >
<C V3="1" V4="1" V5="0"/>
<C V6="14.25" V7="0.2"/>
<E V8="1" V9="1" V10="2">
<E V8="2" V9="1" V10="2">
<F V11="a" V12="B">
<E V8="1" V9="1" V10="2">
<E V8="2" V9="1" V10="2">
<F V11="a" V12="B">
There are a lot of e, where I can generate in iterations.
However I can't seem to grasp the best approach with Omni.
Creating 10 to 20 objects for so much constant seems a mess and too much.
And could you also mention how to set the encoding to generate the file?
This should get you started:
procedure GetEAttr(var v8, v9, v10: integer);
v8 := Random(10);
v9 := Random(10);
v10 := Random(10);
procedure TForm54.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
i : integer;
node1 : IXMLNode;
node2 : IXMLNode;
root : IXMLNode;
v10 : integer;
v8 : integer;
v9 : integer;
xmlDoc: IXMLDocument;
xmlDoc := CreateXMLDoc;
xmlDoc.AppendChild(xmlDoc.CreateProcessingInstruction('xml', 'version="1.0" encoding="Unicode" standalone="yes"'));
root := AppendNode(xmlDoc, 'A');
SetNodeAttr(root, 'V1', 'string');
SetNodeAttr(root, 'V2', 'string');
node1 := AppendNode(root, 'B');
node2 := AppendNode(node1, 'C');
SetNodeAttr(node2, 'V3', '1');
SetNodeAttr(node2, 'V4', '1');
SetNodeAttr(node2, 'V5', '0');
node1 := AppendNode(root, 'C');
SetNodeAttr(node1, 'V6', '14.25');
SetNodeAttr(node1, 'V7', '0.2');
node1 := AppendNode(root, 'D');
for i := 1 to 4 do begin
GetEAttr(v8, v9, v10);
node2 := AppendNode(node1, 'E');
SetNodeAttrInt(node2, 'V8', v8);
SetNodeAttrInt(node2, 'V9', v9);
SetNodeAttrInt(node2, 'V10', v10);
XMLSaveToFile(xmlDoc, 'test.xml', ofIndent);