My situation: I have an xspeech for voip, when there is an action about phone, the messages(packets) are sent to the xspeech interface. And from this interface the logs of these action are sent to specific IP address which is my IP address. And also these logs are sent from a specific port.
I am trying to develop an application that reads these logs(not a file). I tried TCPListener and TCPClient, they worked but not in my situation. I thought these logs are not sent from TCP port. This is the problem.
From your post I suspect it is using UDP... this would mean that you need to use UDPClient class to receive and process...
Depending on whether they offer a TAPI provider you can use:
It may be necessary to build a SIP proxy (this would be able to generate for example "Pickup event"):
EDIT - as per comments other possibilities:
If what you try to catch is sent as syslog message then see .
Another possibility is SNMP - for this see SNMP#NET.