I have a jboss seam 2.2.2 project and it is my first time using internationalization with this framework. I have already set the default locale and using the global messages_XX.properties is already working. Well, this project is growing fast and for better organization and for ease of maintance I would like to have the messages better organized in various properties files for specific pages. Seam documentation on internationalization mention this and in a specific paragraph it says:
If you want to define a message just for a particular page, you can specify it in a resource bundle with the same name as the JSF view id, with the leading / and trailing file extension removed. So we could put our message in welcome/hello_en.properties if we only needed to display the message on /welcome/hello.jsp
This paragraph can be found at: http://docs.jboss.org/seam/2.2.2.Final/reference/en-US/html/i18n.html#d0e14166
The docs mention pages with .jsp extension but in my case I am using facelets and what I have is a .xhtml file so for my home.xhtml page I have created a home_pt_BR.properties file being pt_BR the default locale for my app and I have placed messages for this specific page in this .properties file.
Actually this approach did not work for me.
I have also tryed to register the page in faces-config.xml and also in pages.xml but again this does not seem to work.
So, how do I configure Seam to support multiple bundle files for my application?
You could add the bundle files to components.xml
For example: