How can I use Microsoft findstr to "grep" an item from a single line?
I've got a line that goes something like this:
<config>test</config><item>some data</item><date>2007-11-02</date><datestart>2007-10-31</datestart><path>d:\test\test\test.txt</path>
Now if I want to grep the content inside of <date>
and </date>
how would I write that regular expression?
One thing to note is that I will have to take the findstr command into a for-loop in order to grep the date and store it in a variable.
for /f "Tokens=* Delims=" %%i in ('findstr /r /c:"regex" file.txt') do (
set date=%%i
set date=!date:-=!
Also, I don't want to rely on tokens as they may vary.
We may use a trick to do what you want: after read the line in a variable, change <date>
and </date>
by a delimiter character that is not in the line (for example, $
); then, just use a for /F "tokens=2 delims=$"
to get the contents inside.
set /P the_line=< file.txt
set the_line=!the_line:^<date^>=$!
set the_line=!the_line:^</date^>=$!
for /F "tokens=2 delims=$" %%i in ("!the_line!") do set date=%%i
set date=%date:-=%