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Get Network MNC and MCC

I know I can get the carriers Name, MNC and MCC using the following properties of the CTCarrier Class


These details are of the SIM inserted into the device. Is there a way to get similar details of the network used by the device?

Example: The SIM MCC and MNC are 404 and 02. The Network MCC and MNC could be 404 and 02, 404 and 03 etc.

Edit: Here's what I want.

I have a sim card of Vodafone of location x. The MCC and MNC is 404 and 30 respectively. Now if I travel to location y, my sim may latch to either Vodafone or some other network (sometimes called roaming)

Now I want to get the details of the network my sim is latched to!!


  • It doesn't look like it's currently possible (iOS 5.0).

    The CoreTelephony framework is where you would find this API, and as you (and Apple's documentation) mention, the CTCarrier properties only get you details for the user's cellular service provider, not the current network.

    You should file an enhancement request with Apple at and hopefully they include what you're looking for in a future OS update.

    Out of curiosity, what are you trying to do with this information?