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Cue point event fires even if the flv is paused

I have created a player that loads video FLV files and plays them in a sequence. On loading the videos I retrieve the total video time by stream.client.onMetaData = ns_onMetaData;” and in an EnterFrame event I check whether the video playtime is equal the totaltime. If the video playtime is equal to the totaltime then the player loads the next video. Sometime, even if the video ends, the playtime and total time doesn’t match. So to fix the issue, I decided to put an event cue point (END) at end of each video FLV. So whenever the FLV fires the END event, the player removes the current video and loads the next one.

Suppose the video total time is 44:00. The cue point is also at 44:00 in the FLV. So whenever the player gets the END event from the FLV then it loads the next one. Now the issue is, if I pause the video at 42:00 and wait for 2 sec, the player gets the END cue point and jumps to the next video. When I paused the video the timer says “42:00 of 44:00”. The timer doesn’t increase, that means the video has actually paused. But I still don’t understand that why I’m getting the END cue point where the video has not reached the time. Any suggestion??


  • if you need to know when your video ends, add a listener for NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS and check the there, it's "NetStream.Play.Stop" when the video stops