I would like to write figure captions in the R mode of Sweave and then, add the captions to a list, and later use them in a figure caption, for example:
caption <- list()
myresult <- data.frame(name = c('fee', 'fi'), x = c(1,2))
caption[['fig1']] <- "$\text{\Sexpr{myresult$name[1]}}\Sexpr{myresult$x[1]$"
caption[['fig2']] <- "$\text{\Sexpr{myresult$name[2]}}\Sexpr{myresult$x[2]$"
But I get the following error:
Error: '\S' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting "$\text{\S"
Is there a way that I can store such a string in a list, or a better approach?
Double-escape \
characters. And you don't need double square brackets...
caption <- list()
myresult <- data.frame(name = c('fee', 'fi'), x = c(1,2))
caption['fig1'] <- "$\\text{\\Sexpr{myresult$name[1]}}\\Sexpr{myresult$x[1]$"
caption['fig2'] <- "$\\text{\\Sexpr{myresult$name[2]}}\\Sexpr{myresult$x[2]$"
Frankly, I'd write a simple helper function:
genCaption <- function(name, value){
sprintf("$\\text{%s}%.3f$", name, value)
and you'll get:
> genCaption("pi", pi)
[1] "$\text{pi}3.142$"