The following RoutedCommand example works.
However, the handling for the button which executes the command is in the codebehind of the view. The way I understand MVVM, it should be in the ViewModel.
However, When I move the method to the ViewModel (and change it to public), I get the error "ManagedCustomersView does not contain a definition of OnSave". Even if I change the RoutedCommand second parameter to typeof(ManageCustomersViewModel), I get the same error.
How can I move the command handler from the View-codebehind to the ViewModel?
<CommandBinding Command="local:Commands.SaveCustomer" Executed="OnSave"/>
<Button Style="{StaticResource formButton}"
CommandParameter="{Binding Id}"/>
private void OnSave(object sender
, System.Windows.Input.ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
int customerId = ((int)e.Parameter);
("You clicked the save button for customer with id {0}.", customerId));
using System.Windows.Input;
using TestDynamicForm123.View;
namespace TestDynamicForm123
public class Commands
public static RoutedCommand SaveCustomer =
new RoutedCommand("SaveCustomer", typeof(ManageCustomersView));
You'll expose a property off your ViewModel that references the command.
class MyViewModel
public RoutedCommand SaveCmd{ get{ return Commands.SaveCustomer; } }
Then in the XAML
<Button Command="{Binding SaveCmd}" />
However you might find it easier to use the RelayCommand so that you can define the actual command logic in your model as well.