I am drawing box-percentile plots in R, using the box-percentile panel function from Hmisc
) with bwplot
from lattice
I have a numeric vector (Length
), and would like to show its distribution across the levels of a factor variable (Month
Here's an example with fake data:
For example,
Length<-sample(1:10, 1000, replace=TRUE)
Month<-sample(c("Apr","May","Jul","Aug","Sep","Nov"), 1000, replace=TRUE)
df<-cbind(Month, Length)
df$Month<-factor(df$Month, levels=c("Apr","May","Jul","Aug","Sep","Nov"))
#plot horizontal box-percentile plot;
bwplot(Month~Length, data=df, panel=panel.bpplot)
This works fine. But I want the plots to be vertical, with Month
on the x-axis and Length
on the y-axis. The documentation for panel.bpplot
says that horizontal plots make category levels more visible, but, for my purposes, I specifically need a vertical plot. Is there a way to modify panel.bpplot
to do this?
I took some tips from this previous question and then merged it with your code. It seems the "trick" is setting up a rotated grid:
pushViewport(viewport(angle = 90, name = "VP"))
bwplot(Month~Length, data=df, panel=panel.bpplot, draw.in = "VP"
which results in: