I have a PHP project where I am opening up a premade PDF, and filling it out with data via PHP. The problem I am having is that one of the text elements isn't showing up. I am positioning it towards the bottom right of the PDF page. If I move it to the left a little, it shows up. It's as if there is some clipping or something.
I am using TCPDF, and since I am needing to modify an existing PDF, I am also having to use the FPDI class. It appears to me that FPDI normally is integrated with FPDF, so I've been using the FPDF methods to build out my PDF. OK, so here is some of my code (or the relevant parts)...
$pdf = new PDF();
$pdf->AddPage( 'L', 'Letter' );
$pdf->Write(5, 'test');
There is at least a centimeter of whitespace to the right of the text when I position the text with a value of 260
. If I move it just one more unit to 261
, like in the code above, it just disappears. I'm able to position the text so far on the bottom of the page, that only the top half of the letters show, however, I can't even approach the right side of the page, or the text will completely disappear. I've set the SetAutoPageBreak
to false, so new pages aren't created, and I've also flirted with zeroing out the margins.
I've had the best luck using cells to position text, for some reason they have shown to be more accurate and easier to work with than simply writing text onto the document:
$pdf->Cell(0,10,'My text',0,1, 'C');