I have this code:
class Class {
virtual ~Class() {}
int main()
Class* object = new Class();
delete object;
which I compile with Visual C++ 10 and get this disassembly for delete object
delete object;
test eax,eax
je wmain+23h (401041h)
mov edx,dword ptr [eax]
push 1
mov ecx,eax
call dword ptr [edx]
and this for the actual destructor:
Class::`scalar deleting destructor':
test byte ptr [esp+4],1
push esi
mov esi,ecx
mov dword ptr [esi],offset Class::`vftable' (402100h)
je Class::`scalar deleting destructor'+18h (401018h)
push esi
call dword ptr [__imp_operator delete (4020A8h)]
pop ecx
mov eax,esi
pop esi
ret 4
What is that push 1
doing at the call site and why is the test
at the destructor entry point checking for that value and conditionally bypass call to operator delete()
The argument is used by the destructor to know if it should call delete at the end.
3 cases where you don't want to call it :
EDIT: Add a third case