We're trying to do the following in Mathematica - RMagick remove white background from image and make it transparent.
But with actual photos it ends up looking lousy (like having a halo around the image).
Here's what we've tried so far:
unground0[img_] := With[{mask = ChanVeseBinarize[img, TargetColor->{1.,1.,1.}]},
Rasterize[SetAlphaChannel[img, ImageApply[1-#&, mask]], Background->None]]]
Here's an example of what that does.
Original image:
Image with the white background replaced with no background (or, for demonstration purposes here, a pink background):
Any ideas for getting rid of that halo? Tweaking things like LevelPenalty, I can only get the halo to go away at the expense of losing some of the image.
EDIT: So I can compare solutions for the bounty, please structure your solution like above, namely a self-contained function named unground-something that takes an image and returns an image with transparent background.
Perhaps, depending on the edge quality you need:
img = Import@"https://i.sstatic.net/k7E1F.png";
mask = ChanVeseBinarize[img, TargetColor -> {1., 1., 1.}, "LengthPenalty" -> 10]
mask1 = Blur[Erosion[ColorNegate[mask], 2], 5]
Rasterize[SetAlphaChannel[img, mask1], Background -> None]
img2 = Import@"https://i.sstatic.net/k7E1F.png";
(*key point:scale up image to smooth the edges*)
img = ImageResize[img2, 4 ImageDimensions[img2]];
mask = ChanVeseBinarize[img, TargetColor -> {1., 1., 1.}, "LengthPenalty" -> 10];
mask1 = Blur[Erosion[ColorNegate[mask], 8], 10];
f[col_] := Rasterize[SetAlphaChannel[img, mask1], Background -> col,
ImageSize -> ImageDimensions@img2]
GraphicsGrid[{{f@Red, f@Blue, f@Green}}]
Edit 2
Just to get an idea of the extent of the halo and background imperfections in the image:
img = Import@"https://i.sstatic.net/k7E1F.png";
Join[{img}, MapThread[Binarize, {ColorSeparate[img, "HSB"], {.01, .01, .99}}]]
ColorNegate@ImageAdd[EntropyFilter[img, 1] // ImageAdjust, ColorNegate@img]