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How to play a simple song using PyQt's Phonon?

I'm trying to play a single mp3 file on my software when a button is pressed. Here's how i did it:

QtCore.QObject.connect(self.pushButton, QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8("clicked()")), playsong)

and the function:

def playsong():            
        m_media = Phonon.MediaObject()

This doesnt raise any error. But the song wont play. I've seen a lot of exemples in C++ and some in python which has a lot of songs, and playlist, etc. I just want to play a single song, am i missing something?


  • I use phonon on pyqt and my code has a few more lines:

    output = Phonon.AudioOutput(Phonon.MusicCategory)
    m_media = Phonon.MediaObject()
    Phonon.createPath(m_media, output)

    But honestly, I've found out that phonon is not able to play some specific songs with weird ID3 tags, so I've switched to pyaudiere (, which is much more stable (but yes, its less integrated with Qt).