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Autohotkey Win XP automating small task

I have a small task I would like to automate with Autohotkey and it looks like it is more or less directly transferable to autohotkey syntax:

1. Ctrl+v
2. Alt+tab
3. Click certain link in a window (no combo-key for this but it's always in the same place)
4. Enter (carriage return)
5. Alt+s
6. Ctrl+v
7. Enter

Now it would be nice to map this combo to something else e.g. Windows Key+Space.

What I have got so far is:

0. SetWinDelay 100  (using a connection to an remote computer)
0. SetKeyDelay 0
1. Send, ^c
1. ClipWait, 0.1 
2. Send, {Alt down}{tab}
2. Send, {Alt up}
3. ?????
4. Send, {enter}
5. Send, !s
6. Send, ^v
7. Send, {enter}

Is this approximately right? Anyone up for helping me fix it or filling in the holes, so to speak :)

Another alternative to step 3, 4 and 6 would be to simply loop though the contents of the clipboard (a number string) and sending each letter of the string to keypresses? Maybe this would be the easier way


  • If you want to "click" on a certain position, to open a menu, you can first right click on your AutoHotKey icon and open the "window spy". This window spy will show you the mouse position. Yo can use the mouse positions to perform your actions in the active application.


    SoundBeep 1000, 300 ; Wake up user
    SplashTextOn, 200, 100, Script Preparations, Please Click on the person icon link. ; Show new Instructions text
    WinMove, Script Preparations,, (A_ScreenWidth/2)+150, (A_ScreenHeight/2)+200 ; Move the window with the name "Script Preparations" Down and Right on the main screen
    KeyWait, LButton, D ; Wait for LeftMouseButton click Down
    MouseGetPos, xposE ,yposE ; Store the position where the mouse was clicked (Employee)
    MouseClick, left, %xposE% ,%yposE%, 2 ; Perform a double mouse click on the captured mouse location
    SplashTextOff ; Remove Text box

    In this case, I first ask the user to manually click on the right location. This is only required when the position to click changes WITHIN the active window (variable tiles within the active window). Once you have the position stored, you can re-use it all throughout your script.

    b.t.w. instead of using Alt+Tab, I suggest using this:

    settitlematchmode, 1 ; Set search in title to start with....
    settitlematchmode, Fast ; Slow is not required here. Slow is only required when hidden text needs to be found.
    SwitchWindow("Microsoft Excel - 1 QRM Upload and Change Template") ; Activate the 
    window with the title: Microsoft Excel - 1 QRM Upload and Change Template
    You could even use someting like this:
    SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; Ensure that the Title Match mode is set to 2: Find anywhere in the title
      SetTitleMatchMode, Fast ; Ensure that the Title Match mode is set to FAST
      winactivate, %WindowName% ; Activate the window with the title stored in the variable WindowName
      WinWaitActive, %WindowName%, , 5 ; Wait up to five seconds for the screen
      if ErrorLevel ; Execute this when the window is not activated within 5 seconds
      { ; Start-If Wait failed
        SoundBeep 1000 , 1000 ; Warn the user
        MsgBox,4097,Time Out, Script timed out while waiting for %WindowName%.`n`rYou Must manually activate %WindowName% and then continue the script by pressing OK. ; Message to user
        IfMsgBox, Cancel ; Do when the user clicked on Cancel
        { ; Start-If User clicked Cancel
          ExitApp ; Exit this program when the user clicked on Cancel
        } ; End-If User clicked Cancel
        WinWaitActive, %WindowName%, , 5 ; Try to activate the window AGAIN
        if ErrorLevel ; If window can't be found
        { ; Start-If window can't be found
          MsgBox,4096,Exit, %WindowName% still NOT Active. ; Warn user
          ExitApp ; Exit this program when the expected window is still not found
        } ; End-If window can't be found
      } ; End-If Wait failed


    Robert Ilbrink