So I'm doing a project where I am reading in a config file. The config file is just a list of string like "D 1 1", "C 2 2", etc. Now I haven't ever done a read/write in C# so I looked it up online expecting to find some sort of rendition of C/C++ .eof(). I couldn't find one.
So what I have is...
TextReader tr = new StreamReader("/mypath");
Of all the examples online of how I found to read to the end of a file the two examples that kept occurring were
while ((line = tr.ReadLine() != null)
while (tr.Peek() >= 0)
I noticed that StreamReader has a bool EndOfStream but no one was suggesting it which led me to believe something was wrong with that solution. I ended up trying it like this...
while (!(tr as StreamReader).EndOfStream)
and it seems to work just fine.
So I guess my question is would I experience issues with casting a TextReader as a StreamReader and checking EndOfStream?
One obvious downside is that it makes your code StreamReader
specific. Given that you can easily write the code using just TextReader
, why not do so? That way if you need to use a StringReader
(or something similar) for unit tests etc, there won't be any difficulties.
Personally I always use the "read a line until it's null" approach - sometimes via an extension method so that I can use
foreach (string line in reader.EnumerateLines())
would then be an extension method on TextReader
using an iterator block. (This means you can also use it for LINQ etc easily.)