I'm trying to calculate the number of days between two days, but I'm running into issues with Daylight Savings Time. Here's my code:
function date_diff($old_date, $new_date) {
$offset = strtotime($new_date) - strtotime($old_date);
return $offset/60/60/24;
Works fine as long as the days are both within the same DST period:
echo date_diff('3/15/09', '3/18/09'); // 3
But not if they're further apart:
echo date_diff('11/15/08', '3/18/09'); // 122.95833333333
I want an even number of days, and don't care about DST. I suppose I could round the result, but that feels kludgy. Is there a better (easy) way? I don't want to have to write a whole day-parsing-and-counting-avoiding-leap-years thing if I can avoid it.
(Note: this has to run under php 5.1.6, so some of the date features in 5.3 may not be available.)
A bit more info: I'm going to take the offset and add it to other datetimes that are in a db, and I want only the day part to change, not the time part. Turns out rounding won't work, anyway, because when I do the adding it gets off by one hour in the other direction. Maybe there's a better approach to the whole problem....
you could use https://www.php.net/date_default_timezone_set to set the timezone to GMT so there will be no offset.
Alternately, you can manually add an offset using the date('I',$timetamp)
if ( date("I") == 1 ) { // "WE ARE MDT";
$timeZone = "MDT";
} else {
$timeZone = "MST";