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JIT compile error with protobuf-net on MonoTouch/iOS device (iPhone/iPad)

I am using protobuf-net v2 beta r450 (binary distribution) and building a serialization assembly ahead of time using the technique described here:

I create my serialization assembly on Windows and use it in my MonoTouch project. It works under the simulator. But when run on the device, where AOT compilation only is enforced, I get this error:

attempting to JIT compile method 'ProtoBuf.BufferPool.GetBuffer()' 
while running with --aot-only 

The exception occurs when Serialize() is called:

using (var stream = File.Create(out_file))
    serializer.Serialize(stream, settings);

Thanks for any help.


  • I grabbed the protobuf-net sources (v2 r470). Use of [ImmutableObject] was indeed one of the issues. I submitted a few minor patches to @MarcGravell via the protobuf-net issue list. I have updated my example at with this new assembly. Thanks everyone for the responses.