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Is using shared_ptr and weak_ptr to manage lifetime of std::function safe?

I've created a wrapper around boost::asio::io_service to handle asynchronous tasks on the GUI thread of an OpenGL application.

Tasks might be created from other threads so boost::asio seems ideal for this purpose and means I don't need to write my own task queue with associated mutexes and locking. I want to keep the work done on each frame below an acceptable threshold (e.g. 5ms) so I'm calling poll_one until the desired budget is exceeded, rather than calling run. As far as I can tell this requires me to call reset whenever new tasks are posted, which seems to be working well.

Since it's short, here's the whole thing, sans #include:

typedef std::function<void(void)> VoidFunc;
typedef std::shared_ptr<class UiTaskQueue> UiTaskQueueRef;

class UiTaskQueue {


    static UiTaskQueueRef create()
        return UiTaskQueueRef( new UiTaskQueue() );

    ~UiTaskQueue() {} 

    // normally just hand off the results of std/boost::bind to this function:
    void pushTask( VoidFunc f )
    { f );

    // called from UI thread; defaults to ~5ms budget (but always does one call)        
    void update( const float &budgetSeconds = 0.005f )
        // getElapsedSeconds is a utility function from the GUI lib I'm using
        const float t = getElapsedSeconds();
        while ( mService.poll_one() && getElapsedSeconds() - t < budgetSeconds );


    UiTaskQueue() {}

    boost::asio::io_service mService;

I keep an instance of UiTaskQueueRef in my main app class and call mUiTaskQueue->update() from within my app's animation loop.

I'd like to extend the functionality of this class to allow a task to be canceled. My previous implementation (using almost the same interface) returned a numeric ID for each task and allowed tasks to be canceled using this ID. But now the management of the queue and associated locking is handled by boost::asio I'm not sure how best to do this.

I've made an attempt by wrapping any tasks I might want to cancel in a shared_ptr and making a wrapper object that stores a weak_ptr to the task and implements the () operator so it can be passed to the io_service. It looks like this:

struct CancelableTask {
    CancelableTask( std::weak_ptr<VoidFunc> f ): mFunc(f) {}
    void operator()(void) const {
        std::shared_ptr<VoidFunc> f = mFunc.lock();
        if (f) {
    std::weak_ptr<VoidFunc> mFunc;

I then have an overload of my pushTask method that looks like this:

void pushTask( std::weak_ptr<VoidFunc> f )
{ CancelableTask(f) );

I then post cancelable tasks to the queue using:

std::function<void(void)> *task = new std::function<void(void)>( boost::bind(&MyApp::doUiTask, this) );
mTask = std::shared_ptr< std::function<void(void)> >( task );
mUiTaskQueue->pushTask( std::weak_ptr< std::function<void(void)> >( mTask ) );

Or with the VoidFunc typedef if you prefer:

VoidFunc *task = new VoidFunc( std::bind(&MyApp::doUiTask, this) );
mTask = std::shared_ptr<VoidFunc>( task );
mUiTaskQueue->pushTask( std::weak_ptr<VoidFunc>( mTask ) );

So long as I keep the shared_ptr to mTask around then the io_service will execute the task. If I call reset on mTask then the weak_ptr can't lock and the task is skipped as desired.

My question is really one of confidence with all these new tools: is new std::function<void(void)>( std::bind( ... ) ) an OK thing to be doing, and a safe thing to manage with a shared_ptr?


  • Yes, this is safe.

    For the code:

    VoidFunc *task = new VoidFunc( std::bind(&MyApp::doUiTask, this) );
    mTask = std::shared_ptr<VoidFunc>( task );

    Just do:

    mTask.reset(new VoidFunc( std::bind(&MyApp::doUiTask, this) ) );

    (and elsewhere).

    Bear in mind that you need to deal with the race condition where a tread might be getting a lock on the weak_ptr just before you reset the shared_ptr keeping the callback alive, and as a result you will occasionally see callbacks even though you went down the code path resetting the callback shared_ptr.