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How to create script to deploy application direct from clearcase?

I am trying to write a script to deploy application from Clear Case. I am using Clear Case Remote Client.

How will i start? what is the easiest way?


  • CCRC is for accessing code from a "web" ClearCase snapshot view.
    Being a light ClearCase installation, you:

    • won't have all the cleartool command which would allow to detect new content (new versions on files) to be updated
    • won't have the easy integration you could have with TeamCity, or Jenkins, or Hudson, ... since they all rely on a cleartool command.
      TeamCity, for instance, has still a pending ticket on CCRC support.

    For you, since you don't want/need to use those schedulers anyway, you can start by using the CCRC CLI (rcleartool) in order to:

    • update your ccweb view
    • check if the update has gotten any new versions
    • deploy your app if it has gotten anything new.
    rcleartool update [-username user-name][-ser/ver server-url][-pas/sword user-password]
                      [-print] [-ove/rwrite | -nove/rwrite | -ren/ame]
                      [pname ...]

    Jenkins currently follows a similar path to plan for CCRC support: ticket 5192:
    (and neither Jenkins nor Hudson support CCRC yet)

    I'm thinking about which is better the calling of rcleartool as external tool, or develop a teamapi (or as they call now cmapi) based pure java extension.

    More details on this IBM article:
    "Continuous integration with IBM Rational ClearCase Remote Client"

    CI infrastructure

    In this general architecture schema for CI with CCRC, my suggestion above (rcleartool update) is illustrated by the link between the CM server and the build server.