Summary: is it possible to specify a port to use when querying WMI using System.Management;
I have a python script under Linux that queries, using WBEM, classes on a number of ESXi servers to check for warnings or errors on various subsystems. Previously, separately, I have written a WPF application that queries a number of WinTel boxes for their disk consumption etc. using WMI.
I am wanting to write a new WPF application that will perform the same function as the script and I thought I would be able to do this with WMI. Below is my testing code with the error handling removed for brevity, SetOptions
is a private function that provides the username and password:
foreach (string hostname in Properties.Settings.Default.Hosts)
foreach (string WMIclass in Properties.Settings.Default.Classes)
ObjectQuery Query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM " + WMIclass);
ManagementObjectSearcher mos = GetMos(Query, hostname);
foreach (ManagementObject mo in mos.Get())
foreach (PropertyData pdc in mo.Properties)
Debug.WriteLine(pdc.Name + " \t\t: " + pdc.Value);
private ManagementObjectSearcher GetMos(ObjectQuery Query, string Hostname)
ConnectionOptions Options = SetOptions();
ManagementScope Scope = new ManagementScope("\\\\" + Hostname + "\\root\\cimv2", Options);
return new ManagementObjectSearcher(Scope, Query);
The trouble is I get a RPC unavailable on the remote server. I think that is because I am first trying to establish a RPC call on 135 which is not hosted by an ESX server. My question is how can one specify the port 5989 or is there something straightforward I can use in .net to perform what I need to do. Naively I'm thinking the class structure looks the same between WMI/WBEM surely it can be done :-/
As said WMI Classes in .net don't support WBEM. In the end I ended up writing some code around the VMware.Vim.dll which has some good documentation on what I needed to do.