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Asp.NET MVC 2 dynamic editor template based on dropdown value

I am working on a model criteria builder. I have a dropdown list with all of the model properties, a dropdown list with static operators (less than, equals, like, etc) and a user input form element for the value. The issue is that the form element type (dropdown, date, text box, etc) for the user input value needs to be based on the data type of the model property chosen in the first dropdown list. What is the best way to achieve this using MVC 2? Ideally I would like to just create an Html extension method and use it like Html.CriteriaFilterFor(model => model) and be able to customize the display using model attributes and metadata.


  • You should use JQuery to populate the other one. An AJAX call would allow you to pull the second drop down's list. Populating Dropdownlist Using MVC2 Based On Another Dropdownlist (Cascading DropDownList)