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DAL layer implimintation with NHibernate and making it generic

I am building a DAL layer for fun and learing (some fun i have), and i want it to be the generic as can be.
Is it smart to create a DAL manager that can create the Dal specific by using the generic <>.
For example i have a class Customer with the some property lets say Name but it does not matter.
and for creating the specific Dal class we will do this :

IDal customerDal = DalManager<ICustomer>.GetDal();

i imaging using IoC under the hood and so on.
1. Do you think it is a good idea ?
2. Is there a an example project some where on the web (a good one, i found some bad ones).

Thank you very much you are all awesome.


    1. No, this is a bad idea. NHibernate is already an abstraction over your database, you don't need another one.

    2. See for an example of the Repository pattern being used with NHibernate