I don't think I'm doing something right. I am using subversion as my vcs for our organizations website. I am the sole developer and I'm using bugzilla as my bugtracking system. I've got bugzilla and svn loosely coupled using the bugtraq properties so that I can link from my comments to bugzilla. What I'm doing right now is whenever I get a request to perform any work on the website (enhancement, breakfix, content change) I create a bug [xx] in bugzilla then create a branch named bug[xx]. After I complete the task I manually export the branch changes to our beta site, the change is reviewed and verified then I merge the branch back into trunk indicating the bug# using the bugtraq property.
This works pretty well Except when I have more than one or two changes. If I created 10 branches for ten work requests I want to know how to easily tell which ones are already merged into trunk, and which ones aren't. If I'm supposed to use the mergeinfo property that seems crazy...
I'm not wanting to switch from subversion, so don't suggest it.
Why don't you just delete the branch when it has been reintegrated into the trunk? That what you're supposed to do (in the general case) when a feature branch has been reintegrated. So the diagnostic is simple : if the branch exists, it hasn't been reintegrated.